Symptom Checklist

Morris Cognitive Behavioral Consulting, LLC

Call Now:  (973) 671-8933

It can be overwhelming and confusing when a child or teen displays concerning behaviors, behaviors that can be harmful to themselves or those around them.  Parents and professionals alike hope they will “just grow out of it." Most often, this is not the case. Early evaluation is crucial because there are a number of evidence-based treatments that can effectively treat the majority of these distressing symptoms. Stop suffering in silence. We can help! Below are a list of symptoms that we can treat using our treatment modalities:

Social Anxiety 


Learning disabilities

Panic attacks

Distress when making decisions

Worries and fears that limit activities or daily functioning

Specific Phobias (e.g., vomiting, choking, vaccines, blood draws, medical procedures, doctor visits, bugs, etc.)

Inflexibility and rigidity (e.g., difficulty with changes to routine or schedules)

Obsessive or compulsive behaviors

Extreme picky eating

Sudden or gradual changes in appetite or sleep

Unhealthy habits

Major life transitions

Anxiety related to performance in sports, music, or the arts

Behavior and mood changes following a difficult experience

Parenting concerns (e.g., difficulty responding to or soothing child, typical parenting strategies are not working, parents are burned out and want new strategies, and/or difficulty navigating higher levels of care or placements)

Lack of self-confidence, self-esteem, or self-worth

Issues with navigating college and young adulthood

Relationships challenges or difficulty connecting in young adulthood

Social struggles (e.g., difficulty reading social cues or making or keeping friends)

Frequent somatic complaints without a documented physical origin

Separation anxiety or anxiety about sleeping alone in own bed

Distress related to a chronic illness, medical condition, or chronic pain

Lack of resilience, persistence, or grit

Frequent crying or persistent sadness

Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities

Difficulty with executive functioning and sustained attention

Temper tantrums, meltdowns, or mood swings

Difficulty managing frustration and distress

Challenges with eating, food, or body image

​Tics, skin picking, or hair pulling

Difficulty complying with tasks, rules, or expectations at home

Behavioral issues in school (e.g., anxiety with giving a class presentation or asking questions)

Selective Mutism

Enuresis or encopresis (e.g., bedwetting, incontinence, or toileting issues)

Loss or grief

Trouble finding a healthy balance with electronics use

School refusal

High risk behaviors


Suicidal thinking and gestures

Difficulty managing anger

Teen experimentation with substance use